Saturday, December 31, 2005

Alcatraz Posted by Picasa

Prime waterfront property Posted by Picasa

The cloud forests of San Francisco Posted by Picasa

The Presidio Posted by Picasa

A clique of sorts Posted by Picasa

The Golden Gate disappearing into the mist Posted by Picasa

Underneath the Gate Posted by Picasa

Mistaking us for a trawler Posted by Picasa


The prison cells Posted by Picasa

The cove on Alcatraz Posted by Picasa

The chimney of the rock Posted by Picasa

Lights on ? Posted by Picasa

The old dock Posted by Picasa

Officers' mess Posted by Picasa

The new dock Posted by Picasa

The three phases of Alcatraz - from federal prison to American Indian territory to tourist attraction Posted by Picasa

The Gorse bush end of Alcatraz Posted by Picasa

The Wharf from the Bay

Telegraph Hill from the bay - so named due to the telegraph station which informed San Franciscans about the wares of the next ship into dock  Posted by Picasa

USS Jeremiah - a floating museum Posted by Picasa

The submarine USS Pampanito is a floating exhibit at the Pier Posted by Picasa

Colour on the wharf on a dreary morning Posted by Picasa

Old Wharf Smokehouse - THE place for Dungeness Crabs Posted by Picasa

The wharf - up close Posted by Picasa

Up and down Russian Hill and Lombard Street

Cannery at Del Monte Square - San Francisco's riverside nightlife district - all shut up on Christmas morning Posted by Picasa

The Maritime National Historical Park, from Russian Hill Posted by Picasa